Minoxidil solution increases blood flow and oxygen in vessels which reactivates and revitalises shrunken hair follicles. Men with mild hair loss that are experiencing the early signs of a receding hairline and hair loss in the crown area. If you are a 2 on the Norwood Scale, this is the plan for you.
How does it work?
Minoxidil increases blood flow to your scalp which helps to revitalise hair follicles that have been shrunken by DHT. DHT is a by-product of the male hormone testosterone - if you have a sensitivity to this hormone, it attaches to your hair follicles and causes the team
How long until I see results?
Whilst Minoxidil begins working immediately, results take around 3 months to become visible and a further 9 months to reach their peak. It’s important to note that some men will experience initial shedding when they first start using this solution, and whilst this can be concerning, this is actually a sign that the medication is working. Minoxidil improves blood flow to the scalp which can trigger your old hair to shed, but this should be replaced with stronger, healthier hair after 9-12 months of consistent use.
Why should I use this treatment?
You should use this treatment if you want a scientifically-backed solution to treat mild to moderate hair loss. Minoxidil is one of only two medications that is approved by the FDA as being effective at treating male pattern hair loss.
Is minoxidil suitable for me?
Minoxidil 5% cutaneous solution is a medicine for topical application to the scalp that stimulates hair growth in men aged 18-65 years with male-pattern hair loss (androgetic alopecia) when applied to the skin. For more information please refer to the patient information leaflet.
Male pattern hair loss
Male pattern hair loss is a hereditary condition that affects two thirds of guys by age 35. Men who inherit this trait have a genetic sensitivity to a by product of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which slows and halts the normal hair growth cycle. DHT builds up around follicles, shrinking them over time and causing hair strands to thin, shorten, then eventually fall out – and not grow back, as they normally would.
Sons Story
Sons co-founders Will and Adrian became increasingly aware that losing their hair was a possibility. Not ready for the number 1 all over, they looked for solutions but were left confused and frustrated. Over a pint, they realised – with Adrian’s background in clinical research and Will’s in all things business – that they had the right experience to start a company that helps men understand the facts about their health, and motivates them to be more proactive in tackling their problems.
They're bringing men’s health and well-being into the 21st Century. Less stigma, clearer information, more convenience, better results.
Simply use 1ml of the solution on areas of the scalp that are showing signs of thinning and/or recession. It’s also crucial to -
Simply use 1ml of the solution on areas of the scalp that are showing signs of thinning and/or recession. It’s also crucial to -
60ml of 5% Minoxidil topical solution. -
Storage Information
Do not store above 25cDo not store above 25c, away from direct sources of heat and humidity. Keep in original container